What’s Buzzin’

What can you see around Western Montana right now?

What’s Buzzin’ – July 19th, 2024

While you can always visit MBHI to witness an incredible array of butterfly diversity, Western Montana is currently giving us a run for our money. July is an opportune time […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – July 5th, 2024

Summer is truly upon us, and submissions are flying in so fast that we couldn’t fit them all into one issue. This week features some of our first swallowtail submissions, […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – June 28th, 2024

Who let the moths out? This week, we feature a stunning array of lepidopterans, from the cryptic to the conspicuous to the downright adorable. (Have you seen skippers??) We’ve added […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – June 21st, 2024

Happy summer! We’ve officially made it and have quite the turnout to show for it. And it’s not only summer but also National Pollinator Week! While we may picture buzzing bees and […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – June 7th, 2024

While summer is not technically here yet, it’s certainly starting to feel like it. This week marks our first dragonfly sighting, which for us, feels like a quintessential summertime bug. Next week […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – May 24th, 2024

You don’t need to go all the way to the East Coast to find cicadas; we’ve had several submissions of cicada sightings around Missoula and western Montana this week. The […]

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What’s Buzzin’ – May 17th, 2024

We recently learned that a group of butterflies is called a “kaleidoscope,” and we sure have a kaleidoscopic showing this week. The bug activity has exploded with the nice weather over the […]

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