Notes from the Lab

Notes from the Lab: Ladybugs in the Garden

Recently, while collaborating on a science fair project with a Sentinel high school student, we received a package of 1000 live ladybugs. The charismatic little beetles arrived with a shipment […]

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Notes from the Lab: Life Finds a Way

Many consider insects to be the most successful lifeforms on the planet. If you’re a longtime reader of Notes from the Lab, it should come as no surprise that they […]

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Notes from the Lab: Snow Fleas

Winter doesn’t technically start for another week, but it certainly made an early arrival in our corner of the world. While I miss the noisy din of insects at the height of summer, […]

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Notes from the Lab: Insect Sleep

Sleep is nearly universal within animals. Though it may present differently between species, everyone needs a rest now and then. Insects are no exception. Sleep signatures in insects resemble those […]

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Notes from the Lab: Entomophagy

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Cereal? Eggo waffles? Pan-fried scorpion? If consuming insects has never crossed your mind, then you’d be considered the minority. Western culture has […]

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Notes from the Lab: Bloodsuckers

Happy Halloween to you all! We’re wrapping up this month’s gruesome topics with a primer on the vampires of the insect world. Mosquitos have certainly earned their place as the number one […]

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Notes from the Lab: Weird Science

Welcome back to the Lab! For the last several weeks, our Barcoding US Ants participants have been actively involved in the wet lab portion of our project. During the summer, […]

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